Our May Workshop was a delight and we spent one on one time with Leigh and Hans. Karene, our other participant, brought her curiosity, artistic flair and immediate understanding of the concepts taught to the group. We spent alot of time covering the theory around the mind-spirit-body paradigm and how the different levels of brain function operate during the process of labour and birth.
The Magic of Oxytocin, the ‘Love’ hormone, helps us synchronise the dance of love, labour, and parenting with such delicate and finely tuned rythms. The pain of labour enhances the release of those satisfying and heady endorphins and reward hormones so that we become soft, willing, pliable and surrender to the all embracing project of giving birth.
Lunch was a wonderful spread of baked sweet potatoes and Avocado pear with fresh bread and butter, simple yet nourishing. We of course could not stop talking ‘shop’ in birth lingo while we shared our meal. It’s the one thing that people who are passionate about natural birth do naturally!
After lunch we did a relaxation and meditation exercise where the parents find a peaceful setting in the imagination and connect with their preborn baby. This was followed by a revealing and heartfelt session of remembering and healing of traumas heald by the mother and separately by the father of the baby. We shared and agreed on how important it is to release and heal fears and memories of traumatic experiences we may be holding in our hearts, minds and bodies. It is really important to listen and contain a space where parents are able to share their hurts and be heard and understood.
Thank you Ginny for opening your home to us and hosting this event. Thank you to the eager participants – it was lovely getting to know you.