The following two paragraphs were written by my 27yr old son in response to friends who are struggling with a crying baby, who they insist should sleep separately and follow a strict feeding schedule.

This exercise, I presume, is not uncommon among people but in our mammalian cousins(animals) it is ludicrous and bizarre not to spend ones sleeping time with your offspring. Does it not make sense that babies, who sleep with the parents, bond better, sleep-through better and therefore develop better on account of being less stressed and tired. So why do people want to sit up until two in the morning with a crying baby who won’t sleep (separately, in its own bed)? The logic is beyond me.”

Asher Hill who wrote the paragraphs above in parenthesis, is 27yrs old and works on a Game Farm as a Field and Conservation Guide. Asher slept in the family bed until he was ready to sleep on his own and breastfed till he was ready to wean past the age of three. He was not regulated according to a feeding schedule but was entitled to nurse when he was hungry, no matter how many times this occurred day or night. Asher is over 6 feet tall, now sleeps like a log, is clever, compassionate, displays strength of character and masters the tasks he sets himself. But in the first months and days of his life he slept on my chest and breastfed whenever he wanted.
Please parents, just respond to your babies and don’t listen to people who advise you to force the baby to eat according to a schedule or to make him sleep in a different bed. Asher is right. There is no other mammal who will abandon their young the way we humans do.
How fabulous that your son recognises the benefoits of his natural healthy and loving start to life! Would that my son could have such a story to tell. But his mother unknowingly despite midwifery education and experiences agreed to an unecessarean, though he did evetually teach me that to to breastfeed easily he need to be in our bed or me in his!