The obstetricians at Vincent Pallotti hospital have decided to no longer provide a back-up service for my practice. Apart from the loss of the medical back-up as a professional midwife, the greater loss is to mothers and women who are not able to choose this private hospital for medical back-up when they have chosen me as a professional midwife.
Tag: waterbirth
A Natural Twin Birth in Africa
An account of how Saba Douglas-Hamilton gave birth to her twins naturally according to her birth plan. When a mother is carrying twins, it is possible to give birth to twins naturally, without harm to either the mother, or the twins.
Calm Birth: The Birth of Jai
He was not hurried or co-erced into this world, he was not meddled with, other than a deft movement of the fingers to unwrap the cord. The cord was not severed until it had stopped serving its function.
The Laughing Baby
Karen was both taken by surprise and ecstatic that she had achieved her goals of a homebirth, a waterbirth, a virtually unnassisted birth and no separation from her baby after birth. Rob was ecstatic and relieved the birth had proceeded so smoothly.
Protecting the Perineum
the major task of perineal tissue is to stretch during childbirth and allow the baby’s head to slip through the soft tissues without harm to the mother or baby. The perineal cells are designed to stretch more than any other cell in the body and once the task is complete, to resume their previous shape. The perineal tissue is also the most regenerative tissue in the body
Of Mothers and Midwives
True midwives are sensitive to the needs of mothers AND babies. Mothers need to choose their care providers and midwives so they are supported effectively to achieve a safe and empowering natural birth.