A lifelong journey to becoming a midwife. The first of many installments on how I became a midwife; the mental, physical and emotional ups and downs and what it means to help a mother to natural birth.
Tag: Natural Birth
Spiritual Birth posts about natural birth – everything you need to know about natural birth. Natural Birth is medically safer for mothers and babies alike, these articles on natural childbirth examine how childbirth affects the spiritual, emotional, mental and physical parts of our being.
Ode Leanne
Ode Leanne was born at her mum’s house in Cape Town during the exam period of MBA degree finals at Cape Town University. The birth was attended by her father, myself and Lydia my colleague. The lights were dimmed, the atmosphere was calm and the birth was spontaneous and undistubed. Monyl, Ode Leanne’s mum, walked …
VBACs – Vaginal Birth After Caesarian
Tanya approached me last year for a vaginal birth after 3 caesarians (VBAC3), after she had weighed the risks versus the benfits of a repeat caesarian section. The risk of uterine rupture in women with more than one prior caesarean who attempt VBAC is not significantly increased over the risk for women with one prior caesarean.
Birth In South Africa: Birth Works!
Why do I believe that birth works? It works because we are created to give birth without intervention or interference. ( I am not referring to the small percentage of women who may need medical assistance). Women’s bodies are designed to give birth and in many cultures girls were nurtured and given