“’Bear down now, this baby needs to be born soon’ The perineum was bulging slightly now and beginning to stretch, as the baby’s head descended in the birth canal onto the pelvic floor. The midwife leaned over the mother, her short bob cut hair fell to the side of her face. She listened to the …
Tag: Homebirth
To Give Birth, a Woman has to Unlearn what She has Learnt
Women spend years learning to behave in certain ways in order to ‘fit in’ to society. Giving Birth acts as a gateway to rediscover blocked parts of the self that enable a woman to reclaim her life force.
Can Labour Go Backwards?
Sometimes labour and birth can go backwards, stall or slow down when the mother is tense or frightened. It is important to meet the needs of each individual woman and birth.
What are we Feeding our Unborn Babies?
While the common reasons for diabetes such as poor eating habits or genetic predisposition increases the risk of diabetes during pregnancy, the changes in our farming methods may well tip us over the edge in terms of our health and the health of our unborn babies. This is a public health issue for pregnant women and we need to be informed. We cannot grow healthy babies if we are eating unhealthy food.
Giving Birth and Being Born
What we learn about life starts in the womb and may have a lifelong influence on our lives.
10 Ways to say No to Violence against Women and Children in Maternity Care
A woman who is respected and supported during pregnancy and childbirth, can achieve giving birth with confidence and without trauma. When we protect the rights of women in childbirth we protect their future as well as ours.
Homebirth in S.A.
A homebirth can provide a birthing mother with the right environment for giving birth in ecstasy, for finding her power, for transcendence and beautiful memories , for changing the world.