Articles The Travelling Midwife

The Travelling Midwife: Preventing Birth Trauma

Mandala baby

I am returning to South Africa after attending the annual International Primal Association Convention in The USA (and just missed hurricane Irene!!)at which William Emerson presented his workshops and seminars on healing the birth trauma that we may have experienced as babies. The healing is effected through reliving the original trauma and making connections between …

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How Brain Behaviour Works from Conception to Adulthood – Part 1

Caleb, Asher and Justin

The forces and feelings driving our behaviour are located largely in three different brain systems or three levels of consciousness, namely: the brainstem or 1st level of consciousness, the limbic system or the 2nd level of consciousness and the cortex or 3rd level of consciousness. The brain is also divided into two hemispheres which serve different functions.

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Protecting Mother and Baby during Second Stage of Labour


How does a midwife explain a slow labour or a long ‘second stage’? The fact that a woman may be fully dilated does not mean she is ready to expel her baby from the womb. Midwives and obstetricians make this mistake all the time, as if the woman were a mechanical engine that should fire it’s pistons at the turn of a key. Midwifery is both an art and a science and part of that art, in the present climate, seems to be to prevaricate in order to align ourselves with what obstetric theory advises we should be doing.

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