We as women hold within us the ultimate creative space and forces. Honouring our ‘womb’anhood enables us to gather and shape our futures and release the culmination of our creative process. When we allow ourselves to surrender to and release our power, we give birth to ourselves, our partners and our children throughout our lives.
Author: Marianne Littlejohn
What is the Purpose of the Pain?
Mother love follows on from the experience of pain during labour and birth andthe pain may be the key to the protective instinct and bonding behaviour of the mother towards her offspring
Homebirth in S.A.
A homebirth can provide a birthing mother with the right environment for giving birth in ecstasy, for finding her power, for transcendence and beautiful memories , for changing the world.
Healthy Earth, Healthy Birth Workshop with Binnie Dansby – April 2016
Mtwana Birth Centre is proud to present International Healer and Ecstatic Birth proponent Binnie Dansby, who has been working with breath and ecstacy for 30 years. Her workshops are designed to empower each person through the use of practical and powerful tools, techniques, inspiration, and the breath.
What ‘s so great about Waterbirth?
Twelve great things about waterbirth and how it enhances natural birth, bonding and skin to skin attachment and protects the mother and baby dyad
How Loving Mothers and Babies prevents War and Violence
The human propensity for war can be prevented by starting at the beginning: Gentle and Safe Pregnancy, Birth and Parenting.
Gourmet Birth
Food nourishes us when we are working, mother and midwife alike. Preparing food and sharing food remind us that we are all connected to air, water and the earth, preparing us to birth and nourish our babies.