While the common reasons for diabetes such as poor eating habits or genetic predisposition increases the risk of diabetes during pregnancy, the changes in our farming methods may well tip us over the edge in terms of our health and the health of our unborn babies. This is a public health issue for pregnant women and we need to be informed. We cannot grow healthy babies if we are eating unhealthy food.
Author: Marianne Littlejohn
Giving Birth and Being Born
What we learn about life starts in the womb and may have a lifelong influence on our lives.
Ultrasound – Is it Safe During Pregnancy?
Obstetric ultrasound diagnostic techniques should carefully adhere to a cautious scientific attitude and exposure should be kept to a minimum during pregnancy.
The Flow of Life in Pregnancy and Birth
The Flow of Life expresses itself through pregnancy and birth. When this flow is thwarted or impeded, the birth is not able to follow is natural impetus and this can create internal stress.
Vaginal Birth After Caesarian (VBAC) and Home Birth After Caesarian (HBAC) in South Africa 2016
Vaginal Birth After Caesarian (VBAC) and Homebirth After Caesarian (HBAC) are gaining momentum in South Africa and provision needs to be made for women seeking these options through collaboration of the medical health care systems. Preventing unnecessary caesarians by providing adequate support and information to women should be the first approach.
10 Ways to say No to Violence against Women and Children in Maternity Care
A woman who is respected and supported during pregnancy and childbirth, can achieve giving birth with confidence and without trauma. When we protect the rights of women in childbirth we protect their future as well as ours.
Cape Town VBAC Stats and Facts Workshop – July 2016
After many years of witnessing first hand and studying the current status quo of Caesarian sections in childbirth in South Africa, I am presenting a Cape Town VBAC Stats and Facts Workshop at Mtwana Birth Centre on 11th July 2016.