Newborn babies are unique and it is easy to meet their needs when you understand what those needs are. Listening to babies and understanding them takes time and practice, especially when you are a first time mother.
Author: Marianne Littlejohn
To Give Birth, a Woman has to Unlearn what She has Learnt
Women spend years learning to behave in certain ways in order to ‘fit in’ to society. Giving Birth acts as a gateway to rediscover blocked parts of the self that enable a woman to reclaim her life force.
Can Labour Go Backwards?
Sometimes labour and birth can go backwards, stall or slow down when the mother is tense or frightened. It is important to meet the needs of each individual woman and birth.
Life Has Seasons
Life has seasons and changes occur in ways and at times we least expect. Change at any age is like being born again. It is both a process of letting go and new discovery.
Do Newborn Babies Have More than 5 Senses?
Traditionally we have thought that babies had only 5 senses and that they only started learning after birth. Research is beginning to show that babies use many senses to gather information, even before birth.
Top 5 Tips for a Spiritual Birth Preparation
Top 5 tips to prepare for pregnancy and birth tells the story of a North American Indian woman and how she gives birth in the wild to illustrate how best to prepare for the birth of a baby.
Funny Things Happen at Birth
Sometimes strange and unusual incidents happen at home births.