“There are 3 precious things which I hold fast. The first is gentleness; the second is economy; and the third is shrinking from taking precedence over others.” Lao Tzu. There is, among midwifery circles, much controversy about what birth means, how it should be attended to and what midwives should DO! So today I shall …
Author: Marianne Littlejohn
Respectful Care at Birth
Dr Kathleen Hill and Diana Bowser have compiled an extensive report for USAID on evidence for disrespect and abuse of women in facility-based childbirth. How we begin our lives and make the transition from the womb to the world lays the neurobiological foundation for how we will feel about ourselves and ultimately how we will perceive our world.
Protecting Mother and Baby during Second Stage of Labour
A mother who is forced to push (coached pushing) tires more easily and is less able to recover in-between the contractions, as is her unborn child. Women need privacy, quietness, time and gentle encouragement to complete the second stage of labour spontaneously and birth their babies with their own efforts.
Aware Parenting Workshop November 2010
I will be presenting an introductory Aware Parenting Workshop on Sunday the 7th November 2010 at 2pm in Cape Town. Aware Parenting is based on ten principles devised by Aletha Solter…
Humanising Birth: A Practical Experience
Gauri was a medical student at University of Cape Town when she opted to do her 5th year elective in my practice.
How the Bowlby Attachment Theory applies to Early Childhood and Adult Therapy
Ainsworth (1974) commented that infants who have been responded to sensitively and held frequently and affectionately during the early months, cry less towards the end of the first year and are able to play happily and explore their environment…
What is Aware Parenting?
Aware Parenting combines the best of attachment parenting and non-coercive discipline with allowing a baby and child the freedom to express their feelings.