Marianne will be presenting a Natural Birth workshop on the eighth and ninth of December 2012, at Passionate Births in Hilton, Pietermaritzburg. Register now for your chance to experience this uplifting and educational workshop on natural birth.
Author: Marianne Littlejohn
Bowlby and Beyond: How Emotions Shape Your Baby’s Brain
Introduction Bowlby’s landmark hypothesis that attachment to a loving caregiver is the core element in optimal development from infancy to adulthood, was a great step in our understanding of babies and children. The questions he raised about the importance of relationships for the growth of a baby’s brain preceded advances in neurobiological research over the last …
The Best of Both Worlds: Medicine and Midwifery
Collaborative care between obstetrician, midwives and other health disciplines works best for mother and baby.
Daily QuickPress: Good Mothering Benefits
The brains of rat pups who have been mothered abundantly, licked and attended to by their mothers show lifelong benefits. These pups show less anxiety, learn better, are more adaptable and more resistant to stress than rat pups who have not been attentively mothered. Rats pups who are mothered well have less stress hormones, more …
Quick Press: Benefit of Natural Birth
Did you know that the vaginal walls may contain receptors and signal cells to stimulate the release of oxytocin during labour? This is the case with other mammalian species and can be extrapolated to apply to our own human species. The experience of vaginal birth may therefore promote bonding and immediate benevolence towards one’s offspring …
Spiritual Birth Workshop Kwazulunatal 2012: The Travelling Midwife
Spiritual Birth invites workshop participants to engage fully in the process of preparing for labour and natural birth, thus connecting with universal spiritual energy and opening opportunities for healing.
Don’t Cut the Cord and Lotus Birth
Delayed cord clamping for 3 minutes or longer has long term benefits to the neonate, does NO harm and does not affect the mother in a negative way.