My true education began when I started attending homebirths with women thirty five years ago. I have an Honours Degree in Psychology and am particularly interested in the pre and perinatal period around birth. A published co-author in the International Journal of Infant Mental Health, I have also conducted research in the fields of Kangaroo Mother Care, Postnatal Depression and Attachment Parenting and write articles for parenting and health publications.
I am an Aware Parenting consultant and maternity nurse and love babies and children. How babies and young children absorb information and the care and love they need to develop into loving sociable human beings is core in my approach. I focus on calm connection and communication with both parents, babies and children.
I live in the UK and South Africa, supporting women in both continents on their special birth and parenting journeys in person or via skype, through workshops, seminars and mentoring.
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Hi Marianne. I had my first and second child with C-section but i want to know if its really possible for me to have a baby vaginally. I’m 30 years old and scared to fall pregnant again as i don’t want another C-section. My first child passed away now i would love to have another baby
Dear Boitumelo,
Many things are possible, including a vaginal birth after two caesarians. Firstly, success would depend on the reasons why you had the first two caesarians. Secondly, you have lost a child. This puts you into a higher risk category. You need to be healthy, the baby needs to be an average size in the womb. It may be possible to request a trial of labour, however most obstetricians and/or midwives would be very careful in your situation. If you fulfil the criteria for pregnancy and birthing health, there may be no reason why you cannot try. Regards, Marianne
Hi marianne
I am having my 4th baby on 11 April,i have had high risk pregnancies before which is why midwives say its best to go to hospital.
I came accross your name from a friend ,my previous birth was emergency Caesar would I be able to have a homebirth.
I have contacted few midwives already with no help.
Hi Marianne,
I don’t know how I found you, but I did. And I am so glad. I’ve given birth naturally before, but I have this big desire to have my second, due in August, at home, and very much unassisted. I have a lovely midwife who’ll definitely be at the birth of our second. She was with me the entire time with the birth of our firstborn and is just as calm and caring as you described a midwife ought to be. She allowed my husband and I to engage in the whole birth, and directed us into a more comfortable position as my baby was stargazing on the final push. I’ve never heard of a Lotus birth before and would like to know if that is something well known to midwives. I don’t want to offend my midwife, but I feel like a Lotus birth is the answer I’ve been looking for. Any advice on this matter would be greatly appreciated.
It sounds like you had a wonderful birth. Lotus birth is easily manageable. I normally pop the placenta into a 1Litre yoghurt container after the birth. After it has been washed it can be placed in a bag, covered with salt and wrapped in a special cloth of your choice. You need to care for the placenta daily as it oozes fluid. A few drops of lavender oil keep it smelling sweet. Within 3-5 days the cord dries up and falls off at the navel of the baby.
What is the possibility of a VBACH 11 months after a previous birth? I’m so desperate to give birth naturally. I had no medical reasons, it was just recommended and stupidly went with it. Everyday I feel like i have been deprived, I am young and healthy. I really hope someone in natal could help me!
Hi Jane
I don’t see why you wouldn’t be able to try for a natural birth
Is it possible to have a home birth when you have chronic high blood pressure?
Hi Olga
It is not recommended to give birth at home if you suffer chronic high blood pressure. Chronic high blood pressure leads to increased risks to both mother and baby during labour and birth and there for the labour and birth should be carefully monitored and take place in a hospital setting. You can still have a doula or midwife present with though. I would recommend hypnobirthing as well, as this will help to calm you and lower the blood pressure.
here is my web site…….it will tell you a little about me. wwww.puremidwifery.org
Francoise ‘Mamacita’ Souverville
C.C.E./ Elder Midwife
Marianne – there is no midwife to compare to you. You are the BEST. Thank you for showing us the way with natural birth.
Thank you Saba – it is a blessed calling to be ‘with women’ when they give birth and I am filled with gratitude!
It’s wonderful that you assist and facilitate all types of birth choices no matter the setting.
I love your latest layout of your website… Well done! it is super.