
How Brain Behaviour Works from Conception to Adulthood – Part 1

Caleb, Asher and Justin

The forces and feelings driving our behaviour are located largely in three different brain systems or three levels of consciousness, namely: the brainstem or 1st level of consciousness, the limbic system or the 2nd level of consciousness and the cortex or 3rd level of consciousness. The brain is also divided into two hemispheres which serve different functions.

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Birth in South Africa The Travelling Midwife Vaginal Birth After Caesarian(VBAC)

Vaginal Birth After Caesarian(VBAC) – The Travelling Midwife

Baie trots! - Very Proud!

This story is not for those women who choose to have an elective caesarian. This story is for those women who feel they were coerced into having an unnecessary caesarian section and feel robbed of their right to have a normal birth or at the very least, to try. Many women do not know that …

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